[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

Accompanying the industries
of the future

The industrial sector is undergoing real technological, economic, organisational, environmental and social change. With all the digital progress integrated into industrial processes, it is the entire production chain that is being redesigned. 
Whether a continuous, discontinuous or manufacturing process or in the field of energy production, regardless of the industrial sector, companies require reliability, agility and decision-support solutions.

With a 360° approach, Eiffage Énergie Systèmes teams support you during this revolution. Thanks to our solutions, we implement the changes necessary for the plant of the future. We respond to your products’ productivity, quality and traceability challenges. From Research and Development to plant infrastructure, production and maintenance, we provide you with our expertise at all stages of the production chain.


«  It’s about bringing together all the project’s stakeholders to identify strategic avenues, and anchoring the company in a virtuous ecosystem that continues to focus on people. » 

Valérie Théolle, Industrial director

Digital expertise that supports the transformation of industry

Artificial intelligence, big data, connected objects, instrumentation and control, and information systems are all technologies that contribute to the performance of a plant.
To support the digital transformation of plants, our experts developed SmartForest. SmartForest is a Big Data and Data Science platform reinforced by an artificial intelligence engine, enabling descriptive, predictive or prescriptive analyses to optimise your production facility and its maintenance.
SmartForest generates new data from the modelling of complex elements within a process, which paves the way for even more detailed analyses.
Functional and lasting equipment is essential to ensure the performance of plants and industrial sites. Reducing maintenance costs through predictive work and increasing the availability and service life of a facility are all strategic challenges. Connected to production systems, maintenance is now predictive and prescriptive. This allows us to anticipate a future breakdown and examine the technical elements that could be improved. 

Our teams have real expertise in this field and have worked in many different sectors such as space, aeronautics, automotive and nuclear power. Sensors installed on the plant’s machines retrieve data and warn the operator when one of the machines does not perform as expected. Work is carried out before a breakdown occurs; production is maintained and teams are kept safe.

Collaborative innovation

Collaborative innovation

With the sector’s perpetual transformation and the race for technical excellence in an ultra-competitive world, industrial firms are creating partnerships with their ecosystem’s stakeholders. Collaborative innovation is key to standing out from your competitors and winning new market share. 
Our teams’ innovation model is based on this culture of sharing and collaboration. Whether it is collaboration with research laboratories or with competitiveness clusters, partnerships with manufacturers or sharing experience with start-ups incubators, our teams are at the heart of new ideas and technical know-how. 

For example, Eiffage Énergie Systèmes teams manage data-science activities in an agile digital laboratory called KM0. In particular, this high added-value service perfects industrial processes and increases output.

Protecting our customers’ IT data

Cybersecurity has become a major challenge. While IT networks are protected, it is not always the case for industrial systems: network, data, software and equipment security, the securing of computer workstations, etc. Two-thirds of industrial companies have already been attacked around the world and a quarter of these attacks concerned technical systems. There are enormous consequences for a company, as the average cost of a cyberattack is estimated at €800,000.

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes has been working on industrial security for over 30 years. We secure existing systems by starting with a diagnostic phase. We assess vulnerabilities, identify obsolete systems and analyse risks. This phase then allows necessary interventions to be planned and prioritised. Finally, we restore the system while reducing its unavailability. Our expertise also enables us to work on new industrial sites. Cybersecurity is thereby integrated from the design stage.


« The cybersecurity of industrial and technical systems is now vital for our customers, regardless of their areas of activity.
Our customers expect a trusted partner to help them protect their industrial or technical systems: Eiffage Énergie Systèmes lives up to their expectations. »

Jocelyn Zindy, Director Cyberscurity